The Word of Truth

Posted by on Jul 11, 2012 in Audio, Radio Show, Text | Comments Off on The Word of Truth

Colossians 1:1-8 The Word of Truth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In the first three verses, Paul typically cites his apostleship and work with Timothy and tells us who his letter is addressed to – to the saints in Colossae he grants grace, peace, thanksgiving, and prayer.  Then he goes into a list of things in the church produced by the word of truth.  These things you can’t get without the word of God, and people who neglect the Bible lack in these areas desperately.  The word of truth produces:

  1. Faith in Christ (v. 4) – Rom 10:8, 14, 17, whereas word that is not truth produces cancer and overthrows faith – II Tim 2:17-18
  2. Love of the brethren (v. 4) – Gal 5:13-14; I Pet 1:22-23; Not this kind of love, Eze 33:30-31, Covetousness
  3. Hope in heaven (v. 5) – Rom 8:24-25; Tit 1:2-3
  4. Fruit in the world (v. 6) – Matt 13:22-23; II Cor 9:9-11; But the same thing chokes word, Mk 4:19
  5. Knowledge of God’s grace (v. 6) – Acts 20:32, word of grace; II Pet 3:16-18
  6. Faithful ministers of the gospel (v. 7) – Tit 1:3, preaching word; II Tim 4:2; Col 1:25
  7. Love in the Spirit (v. 8) – Rom 5:5, shed abroad – we should love the word, Jesus, brethren, enemies, lost, missionaries

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