Bishops and Deacons

Posted by on Jun 11, 2012 in Audio, Radio Show, Text | Comments Off on Bishops and Deacons

Bishops and Deacons Philippians 1:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

The only two scriptural offices in the church are the bishops and deacons.  The bishop is the overseer.

  1. Acts 1:20
  2. Phil 1:1
  3. I Tim 3:1,2, qualified
  4. Titus 1:7, qualified
  5. I Pet 2:25, comes from Jesus

There is not an ecclesiastical hierarchy.   The bishop is also called elder:

  1. Elders can be older gentlemen in the church, Gen 10:21, I Tim 5:1-2
  2. Or a ruling body in a synagogue to represent the people, Matt 26:3
    1. May rely upon elder men for counsel, but not an elder board!
  3. the Bishops are Pastors, Acts 14:23; 20:17; 20:28; I Pet 5:1, who feed the flock

Pastors predominately:

  1. Minister Word – feed, Acts 20:28
  2. Protect, Acts 20:29-30
  3. Pray, Acts 6:4
  4. Servant, heart like Jesus
  5. But today, administrator

Deacons predominately:

  1. Run though the dirt
  2. Phil 1:1
  3. I Tim 3:8-13
  4. Came about in Acts 6:1 to help in ministry, they were not a deacon board
  5. A board is corporate, need for certain things but not accountability

Many pastors have messed up with money and sex and so other successful men think they have to get on a board to make the pastor accountable to them (CONTROL).  This brings trouble, Matt 6:24.  Many times the problem is money; they give it and want to control the church by it.  It becomes a mess.

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