The Book of 1 Corinthians

Taught verse-by-verse by Mike Paulson

who is pastor of a Web church at scattered

Updated February 5, 2015

Mike Paulson




Study of 1 Corinthians 1:1-31
In order to understand I & II Corinthians today, we must study it in light of Paul's gospel; we must also realize that the KJB is that which is perfect. There is a 'before KJB' and an 'after KJB' that clears up any confusion in these two books. We are going through the chapters and pointing out those particular verses that become totally clear as they are to us today. Click here for written notes.
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 2:1-16
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 3:1-23
Are I & II Corinthians part of what Paul writes TO us today? The answer is yes and here is why. So now that we should already have a better understanding of Corinthians today, let's start looking at a few subjects to see how they fit us today.
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 4:1--5:13
Who can we look to as a father? -- Paul? you serious? Who is a great example of a father to us today? See 4:14-16 and more... Who is that wicked person in chapter 5 we are to stay away from? We are not even to eat with him, eh? Answers to those and more -- right here!
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 6:1--7:40
These are two tough chapters -- not to understand but to include in our 'changed' life since we became a Christian. What is the scoop on divorce and remarriage? It isn't what most of the preachers preach today. Of course it isn't God's design, however... well, just turn to chapter 7 and listen closely. Is it ok to sue a 'brother' or should we always turn the other cheek, etc.? What about the fear of not inheriting the kingdom of God if you do certain things as listed? What is the 'stuff' behind the verse that says 'all things are lawful...' have you ever read the whole context? What about 'virgin' girls if they don't have a husband? What about a marriage where one is saved and one isn't -- can you hang around and fix the spouse eventually? Can you stay in a bad church hoping you can be the 'fixer' to show them the Paul stuff? Lots of serious stuff in these two chapters! P.S. These are not 'my teachings' -- we just look very closely at exactly what the Scriptures say -- word for word. You don't get that sort of sermon many places these days.
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 8:1--9:27
Who is it we are to be concerned about not causing them to stumble? You will be surprised if you would just quit listening to your 'love the lost' pastor and hear what Paul says. Causing someone to stumble is not a reason to not do right / dress right / talk right / do right, etc. We are not to do WRONG so that we don't cause the weak 'breathren' to stumble and do wrong cuz you did. It is NOT about doing wrong so that the lost won't stumble at your testimony. Preachers are preaching that stuff entirely wrong -- the exact opposite! Then, in chapter 9, did you realize that Paul actually does preach about money, needs, etc. and how to take care of your pastor / Bible teacher, etc.? Go ahead -- and listen to chapter 9. It might do your preacher / pastor / teacher some good along with you as you strive to do right down here!
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 10:1-33
We look at Paul's words about idolatry today. How many Christians associate 'play' with idolatry? Paul does. See 'ensample' and 'example' used in the same chapter -- they do not mean exactly the same thing. 'Ensample' may be archaic to people, but we can know it to this day. There is a lot of good material to absorb in this chapter for all of us on idolatry.
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 11:1-34
We look at the following subjects: following Paul; ordinances; long/short hair; purpose of heresies and finally, the big one -- the infamous Lord's Supper. This chapter is packed with controversy but rightly dividing according to the King James Bible eliminates that controversy... well, it should anyway, if only folks would look to rightly dividing the word of truth and the King James Bible.
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 12:1--13:13
We know we have received God's gift of his righteousness, his grace and his eternal life. What are the other spiritual gifts mentioned? Do we turn to Acts 2, 8, 10 from Peter or I Corinthians 12 or Romans 12? Are the Pentecostals correct when they turn to I Corinthians 12 for those gifts? And what about the body of Christ -- what part are you? And what does Paul mean when he says, "... yet shew I unto you a more excellent way..."? Chapter 13 -- charity and the King James Bible -- how do those work today?
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 14:1-40
What are 'new tongues,' 'other tongues,' 'unknown tongues,' 'unspeakable & unlawful words of paradise'? Are tongues still supposed to be going on today? For those who believe in speaking in tongues, do they follow Paul's teachings of it in this chapter? hardly -- a big hearty no! So, what's the truth about speaking in tongues when studied in a King James Bible?
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 15:1-58
This is a marvelous chapter full of thought and 'expose' on those who don't think we should be following Paul. It shows why so many Christians are miserable and reminds us that we have nothing to be miserable about. If we are, 'fix it,' we would not be the ones miserable these days. You should find this chapter fascinating -- ye ole' King James Bible -- there is nothing like it anywhere!
Mike Paulson
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Study of 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
A sermon on MONEY!
Are "Tithes and Offerings" a thing of the past? Are you one of those who 'gives' but doesn't 'change' your life? What does Anathema Maranatha really mean? OK, so how should a Christian give today? Here ya go: a sermon about money and giving! O boy! But then, it might not be that bad, after all. Try it -- Mikee likes it!
Mike Paulson
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Mike Paulson

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